Request for Proposals #03012018: Microfinance Industry Database Operated by Tanmeyeh
USAID LENS is actively supporting the microfinance sector in Jordan to build its capacities, enhance its competitiveness, and increase the sector’s financial inclusion of different client segments to enhance their living standards through involvement in producing economic activities. Accordingly, USAID LENS is funding an initiative in support of Tanmeyah, Jordan’s Microfinance Network, to develop a microfinance industry portal and consolidated database that will enable MFIs and other key stakeholders to have instant access to enhanced analytics of the sector and the identification of new opportunities.
Date of issue: 1 March 2018
Deadline for Questions: 7 March 2018
Deadline for Proposals: 22 March 2018
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Microfinance Industry Database
- Attachment A: Budget Template
- Attachment B: Budget Narrative
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment E: Subcontract Terms and Conditions
- Attachment F: PPR Template
- Attachment G: Description of Functionalities
- Attachment H: MFI Quarterly Upload Data
- Attachment I: Glossary
- Attachment J: CBJ Guidelines
Request for Quotations #02132018-1100: Industrial Pickle Machinery for Grantees
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide Industrial Pickle Machinery as described in Annex II (attached). USAID LENS anticipates awarding one or more purchase orders to selected vendors to supply the requested items. Under grants awarded through the USAID LENS project, grantees are receiving a range of machinery, that will enable them to better serve customers, expand the clientele, and enhance productivity. Under this RFQ, 4 (Four) beneficiaries will receive the requested equipment.
Date of issue: 13 February 2018
Deadline for Questions: 18 February 2018
Deadline for Proposals: 27 February 2018
To apply, please download the following attachment:
Request for Quotations #02132018: Industrial Machinery for Grantee
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide Industrial Machinery for Grantee described in Attachment below. USAID LENS anticipates awarding one or more purchase orders to selected vendors to supply the requested items.
Date of issue: 13 February 2018
Deadline for Questions: 15 February 2018
Deadline for Proposals: 25 February 2018
To apply, please download the following attachment:
Request for Proposals #11022018: Food Processing Home-Based Businesses Sustainability
USAID LENS is soliciting proposals from Jordanian and non-Jordanian firms, business associations, organizations or coalitions to provide and continue sustainable support services to food-processing home-based businesses (HBBs) in Jordan.
Date of issue: 11 February 2018
Deadline for Questions: 18 February 2018
Deadline for Proposals: 6 March 2018
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Food Processing and Home-Based Businesses Sustainability
- RFP Modification 1 (uploaded on 28 February 2018)
- Questions and Answers (uploaded on 20 February 2018)
- Invitation to Solicitation Workshop (uploaded on 21 February 2018)
- Solicitation Workshop Presentation (uploaded on 28 February 2018)
- Solicitation Workshop Minutes (uploaded on 2017 February 2018)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B: Biodata Form
- Attachment C: PPR Template
- Attachment D: Budget Template
- Attachment E: Budget Narrative
- Attachment F: Subcontract Terms and Conditions
- Attachment F: USAID Mission Order In-Country Per Diem and Transportation Policy
Request for Proposals #01252018: Zarqa Plumbers Business Development and Skills Upgrade
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from prospective subcontractors, describing their ability to provide a range of technical assistance and capacity-building services to 13 micro and small businesses in the plumbing sector in Zarqa. These trainings will address needs identified through LENS engagement with the group during the implementation of technical activities intended to support these businesses to start up. These trainings should result in new market opportunities and enhanced sustainability of these businesses. Download the attachment below for more information.
Date of issue: 25 January 2018
Deadline for Questions: 31 January , 2018
Deadline for Proposals: 8 February, 2018 (EXTENDED TILL 12 FEBRUARY 2018)
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP Zarqa Plumbers Business Development and Skills Upgrade
- RFP Modification 1 (Uploaded on 31 January 2018)
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 31 January 2018)
- Attachment A: Budget Template
- Attachment B: Budget Narrative
- Attachment C: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment D: Biodata Form
- Attachment E: PPR Template
Request for Quotations #01142018: Home-based Businesses Enabling Environment
FHI360 on behalf of the USAID LENS is soliciting proposals from BSPs to complement the awareness campaign and assist Home-Based Businesses (HBBs) to become registered, certified and licensed whether being a new business or existing informal HBB.
Date of issue: 14 January, 2018
Deadline for Questions: 17 January , 2018
Deadline for Proposals: 4 February, 2018
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFQ: HBB Enabling Environment
- Questions & Answers (uploaded on 23 January 2018)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility & Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: PPR Template
- Attachment F: Regulations on Zoning
- Attachment G: MoMA Instructions
- Attachment H: GAM Instruction
Request for Proposals #10132018: Food Processing Home-Based Businesses Development Host Communities
USAID LENS is soliciting proposals from Jordanian firms, business associations, organizations or coalitions of these entities based in Jordan, to provide a range of technical assistance and capacity building services in Irbid, Mafraq, and Ramtha, for approximately 75 identified Jordanian and Syrian food processing HBBs as participants in this activity.
Date of issue: 3 January, 2018
Deadline for Questions: 7 January , 2018
Deadline for Proposals: 18 January, 2018
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Food Processing Home-based Businesses Development Host Communities
- Questions & Answers (uploaded on 8 January 2018)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B: Biodata Form
- Attachment C: PPR Template
- Attachment D: Budget Template
- Attachment E: Budget Narrative
Request for Proposals #12112017: Microfund for Women (MFW) - Green Energy Phase 2
Date of issue: 11 December, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 18 December, 2017 - extended till 5 January 2018
Deadline for Proposals: 10 January, 2018 - extended till 26 January 2018
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: MFW Green Energy Phase 2
- RFP Modification 1 (uploaded on 21 December 2017)
- RFP Modification 2 (uploaded on 10 January 2018)
- Questions & Answers (uploaded on 11 January 218)
- Attachment A: Budget Template
- Attachment B: Budget Narrative Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Evidence of Price Responsibility and Independent Price Determination Form
- Attachment E: Subcontract Terms and Conditions
- Attachment F: Past Performance Reference Form
Request for Quotations #12122017: Plumbing Equipment & Tools for Grantees
The purpose of this RFQ is to procure plumbing equipment and tools as described in the attachment below.
Date of issue: 12 December, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 17 December, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 26 December, 2017
To apply, please download the following attachment:
Request for Quotations #11212017: Venue for Jordan Food Week
FHI 360 on behalf of USAID LENS Project is seeking quotations for venue rental to host “Jordan Food Week 2018” event in Amman as described in “C. STATEMENT OF WORK” of this RFQ. Venues may be subject to inspection visits.
Date of issue: 21 November, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 23 November, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 29 November, 2017
To apply, please download the following attachments:
Request for Proposals #11082017: Development of Radio Series Centered Around Micro and Small Businesses in Jordan
USAID LENS is seeking proposals to create – as part of its broader communication strategy – a series of podcasts/radio programs that account for and present key stories from the field. The focus of the series would reflect the goals of the project and recount the tales and stories of life as a micro-enterprise owner.
Date of issue: 8 November, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 12 November, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 28 November, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Development of Radio Series
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: PPR Template
- Questions & Answers - uploaded 14 November 2017
Request for Proposals #10312017: Marketing for Jordan Food Week
USAID LENS is seeking a Contractor to design and implement a marketing campaign for Jordan Food Week: a week-long national celebration of local cuisine, culinary tradition, fresh produce and gastronomic experiences. It will be the biggest food event in Jordan’s history that will seek to promote local foods and businesses. To learn more and to apply, please download RFP below and all its attachments.
Date of issue: 31 October, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 7 November, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 23 November, 2017 (EXTENDED TILL 26 NOVEMBER, 2017) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Marketing for Jordan Food Week
- RFP Modification 1 uploaded 23 November 2017
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independant Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: PPR Template
- Attachment F: Jordan Food Week info
- Questions & Answers uploaded 9 November 2017
Request for Proposals #10262017: Filming and Production of a Short Video
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from film and media production companies and/or freelancers describing their ability to film and produce a short 3-7-minute video about scuba diving and marine life in Aqaba. This RFP is issued as a public notice to ensure that all interested, qualified, and eligible local and international organizations have a fair opportunity to submit proposals.
Date of issue: 26 October, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 31 October, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 12 November, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Filming and Production of a Short Video
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 2 November 2017)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independant Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: PPR Template
Request for Quotation #11062017: Venue for Jordan Food Week
The event, scheduled for April 2018, represents the largest convention of farmers, artisanal food producers, restaurants, hotels and other businesses in the food industry of its kind in Jordan. The event will explore the diversity of Jordanian cuisine, the quality, character and traditions that have shaped the culture of Jordan’s gastronomy.
Date of issue: 6 November, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 8 November, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 16 November, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
Request for Quotation #10112017: Events Management for Jordan Food Week
Jordan Food Week, scheduled for April 18-25, 2018, represents the largest convention of farmers, artisanal food producers, restaurants, hotels and other businesses in the food industry of its kind in Jordan’s history, bringing together more than 200 exhibitors. The event will explore the diversity of Jordanian cuisine, the quality, character and traditions that have shaped the culture of Jordan’s gastronomy. Please read the RFP to learn more about the event.
Date of issue: 11 October, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 17 October, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 2 November, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Events Management for Jordan Food Week
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: PPR Template
- Attachment F: Jordan Food Week Info
- Questions & Answers - uploaded 19 October 2017
- Attachment G: Jordan Food Week logo PDF or AI format - uploaded 19 October 2017
Request for Quotation #09242017: HBBS Legal Services for an Enabling Environment
USAID LENS is soliciting quotations from vendors to complement the awareness campaign and assist Home-Based Businesses (HBBs) to formalize their businesses and new startups by providing legal services to register and license.
Date of issue: 24 September, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 26 September, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 10 October, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFQ: HBBs Legal Services for an Enabling Environment
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 1 October 2017)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: PPR Template
- Attachment F: Regulations on Zoning no. 69 for the year 2017
- Attachment G: MOMA Instructions
- Attachment H: GAM Instructions
Request for Proposal #09132017: PR Services for USAID LENS
FHI 360, on behalf of USAID LENS, is seeking a Contractor to implement public relations activities that will increase media coverage about USAID LENS initiatives and related work, as described in the attached RFP. The anticipated period of performance is October 2017 to June 2018.
Date of issue: 13 September, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 18 September, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 1 October, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: PR Services for USAID LENS
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: PPR Template
- Attachment F: Jordan Food Week Info
Request for Proposal: Marketing for Jordan Food Week
After careful consideration of the proposals submitted in response to this RFP, a decision has been made to cancel it. A revised iteration will be resolicited.
FHI 360, on behalf of USAID LENS is seeking a Contractor to design and implement a marketing campaign designed to promote Jordan Food Week: a week-long national celebration of local cuisine, culinary tradition, fresh produce and gastronomic experiences, as described below. The event is scheduled from April 18-25, 2018. Hence the marketing campaign is expected to launch a few months in advance, starting from December 2017. For more details, refer to the Scope of Work section attached.
Date of issue: 10 September, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 17 September, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 4 October, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Marketing for Jordan Food Week
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: PPR Template
- Attachment F: Jordan Food Week Info
- Attachment G: Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 19 September, 2017)
- Attachment H: Logo PDF or AI (Uploaded on 19 September, 2017)
Request for Proposal: Market Research Team for FINCA Jordan
USAID LENS is now soliciting proposals from Jordanian research firms, international firms based in Jordan or with Jordanian offices to assist in the market research as per the attached Scope of Work.
Date of issue: 20 August, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 27 August, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 14 September, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP FINCA Survey
- Questions & Answers
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Budget Narrative
- Attachment D: Biodata Form
- Attachment E: PPR Template
Request for Proposal: Portioning Machine / Thermoforming Filling & Sealing Machine for Grantee
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide a Portioning Machine also known as Thermoforming Filling & Sealing Machine as described in Annex II attached.
Date of issue: 1 August, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 3 August, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 14 August, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
Request for Quotation: Industrial Restaurant Equipment & Tools for Grantees
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide kitchen equipment and tools as described in Annex II attached. USAID LENS anticipates awarding one or more purchase orders to selected vendors to supply the requested item
Date of issue: 07 August, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 13 August, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 20 August, 2017 (Extended until 24 August. 2017)
To apply, please download the following attachment:
- RFQ: Industrial Restaurant Equipment & Tools for Grantees
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 13 August 2017)
- Modification 1 (Uploaded on 16 August, 2017)
Request for Proposal: Development of Animated Videos
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from media companies and/or freelancers specializing in animated video production, describing their ability to produce short 3-6 minute videos (six training topics) to showcase six different trainings for USAID LENS home based business (HBB) beneficiaries. The company/freelancer will be commissioned to produce 6 animated short training videos, of 6 different training topics. The animated video should clearly demonstrate structured training outline, sequence guidelines and scope, general training theme, learning style, creating learning examples and delivery of training outcome.
Date of issue: 13 July, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 18 July, 2017 extended to 29 July, 2017 (see attachment 2, modification 1)
Deadline for Proposals: 27 July, 2017 extended to 7 August, 2017 (see attachment 2, modification 1) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- Animated Training Videos RFP
- Modification 1 to RFP
- Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Budget Template
- Biodata Form
- Budget Narrative
- PPR template
Request for Quotation: Industrial Restaurant Equipment & Tools for Beneficiaries
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide Restaurant equipment and tools as described in Annex II below. USAID LENS anticipates awarding one or more purchase orders to selected vendors to supply the requested items.
Date of issue: 9 July, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 12 July, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 27 July, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment:
- RFQ: Industrial Restaurant Equipment & Tools for Beneficiaries
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 16 July 2017)
Request for Proposal: Filming and Production of a Short Video about Diving in Aqaba
USAID LENS is soliciting proposals from film and media production companies describing their ability to film and produce a short 3-5-minute video about diving in Aqaba as an exceptional destination to learn diving, or advance key diving skills, part of USAID LENS’ work in adventure tourism.
Date of issue: 14 June, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 20, June 2017 (Extended till 11 July, 2017)
Deadline for Proposals: 6 July, 2017 (Extended till 31 July, 2017) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Filming and Production of a Short Video
- RFP Modification 1 (Uploaded on 4 July, 2017)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Budget Narrative
- Attachment D: Biodata Form
Request for Proposal: Filming and Production of Short Videos for Woman-Owned Home-Based Businesses
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from media companies and/or freelancers specializing in video production, describing their ability to film and produce short 3-5-minute videos (4 short videos) to showcase four different, compelling home-based business (HBB) stories, part of a wider awareness campaign about home-based businesses that will be implemented by USAID LENS in mid-2017.
Date of issue: 15 June, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 22 June, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 20 July, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Home-based Businesses Videos
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Video Subjects
- Attachment E: Budget Narrative
- Attachment F: PPR Template
Request for Proposal: Adventure Guide Program
USAID LENS is seeking to solicit proposals from entities specializing in adventure tourism consultation and training. The entity is to demonstrate their ability to implement a comprehensive program for adventure guiding in Jordan, part of USAID LENS’ work in adventure tourism.
Date of issue: 30 May, 2017
Deadline for Questions: June 11, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: July 5, 2017 (Extended till 14 July, 2017) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Adventure Guide Program
- RFP Modification 1 (Uploaded on 29 June, 2017)
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 13 June, 2017)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: Terms and Conditions
- Attachment F: PPR template
- Attachment G: Assessment of the Mountaineering Sector in Jordan
- Attachment H: USAID LENS Strategy on Adventure Tourism
Request for Proposal: Animated Video Production of Business Registration Process and Promotion
USAID LENS is seeking to institutionalize the Startup Guide and to find a mechanism to make it more accessible and available nationwide. The content of the Startup Guide will be offered in an animated video which is an engaging, simple, friendly, relevant and easy to access form for all segments of the population including women and youth MSEs, startups, and informal businesses who are encouraged to register.
Date of Issue: 29 May, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 11 June, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 02 July, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Startup Guide Animated Videos
- RFP Modification 1 (Uploaded on 13 June 2017)
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 13 June 2017)
- Newspaper Ad for the Startup Guide (Uploaded on 18 June 2017)
- Startup Guide Radio Ad (Uploaded on 18 June 2017)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Budget Narrative
- Attachment E: PPR Template
Request for Proposal: Portioning Machine/ Thermoforming Filling & Sealing Machine for Grantee
Under grants awarded through the USAID LENS project, grantee is receiving the requested machine, which would will enable to better serve customers, expand the clientele, and enhance productivity. Under this RF, one grantee will receive the requested equipment.
In addition to the proposed equipment, vendors are required to provide installation and user training/instructions to beneficiaries, where applicable. Warranty details shall be provided as applicable.
Date of Issue: 21 May, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 24 May, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 07 June, 2017 (Extended till 20 June 2017) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- Request for Proposals
- Modification 1 (Uploaded 7 June 2017)
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded 13 June 2017)
Request for Proposals: Home-based Business Licensing, Marketing, Awareness, and Promotion
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from organizations describing their ability to develop and conduct an awareness campaign to promote the new Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MOMA) Bylaw on licensing Home-Based Businesses (HBBs) and new GAM instructions.
Date of Issue: 17 May, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 28 May, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 17 June, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: HOME-BASED BUSINESS LICENSING- Marketing, Awareness and Promotion
- RFP Modification 1 (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
- Attachment A: Budget Tempalte
- Attachment B: Budget Narrative
- Attachment C: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment D: Biodata Form
- Attachment E: Terms and Conditions
- Attachment F: PPR Template
- Attachment G: Training Template (English) (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
- Attachment H: Training Template (Arabic) (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
- Attachment I: USAID Graphics Standards Manual and Partner Co Branding Guide February 2016 (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
- Attachment J: HBB Assesment and Policy Report (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
- Attachment K: نظام معدل لنظام الابنية لسنة 2017 (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
- Attachment L: تعليمات ترخيص ممارسة المهن من داخل المنزل (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
- Attachment M: USAID LENS Accomplishments (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded on 1 June 2017)
Request for Proposals: Chefs for Development - Product Development Expansion
USAID LENS is soliciting proposals from Jordanian and/or international firms, business associations, organizations or coalitions of these entities, to organize and create a documentary around a food-tasting tour with an internationally-recognized chef and chefs from local restaurants. The documentary will showcase the quality, diversity and range of recipes in Jordan and promote Jordanian produce and food.
Date of Issue: 3 April, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 12 April, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 3 May, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Food Tasting Tour Documentary
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded 13 April, 2017)
- Attachment A: Budget Template
- Attachment B:Budget Narrative
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Evidence of Responsibiltiy and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment E: Terms and Conditions
- Attachment F: PPR Template
Request for Quotation: Industrial Kitchen Equipment & Tools for Grantees
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide kitchen equipment and tools as described in Annex II below. USAID LENS anticipates awarding one or more purchase orders to selected vendors to supply the requested items.
Date of Issue: 2 April, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 4 April, 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 20 April, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFQ: Industrial Kitchen Equipment & Tools for Grantees
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded 6 April, 2017)
Request for Quotation: National Training Program for Transport MSEs
دعوة تقديم أسعار: تأهيل السائقين في القطاع البري
تدعو منظمة FHI360 بالنيابة عن مشروع مساندة الأعمال المحلية م ا ركز تدريب السواقة للمشاركة في البرنامج الوطني لتأهيل السائقين
في قطاع النقل البري. يهدف مشروع مساندة الأعمال المحلية، من خلال دعوة تقديم الأسعار هذه، الى احالة عقود لعدد من م ا ركز التدريب التي شاركت في
البرنامج التدريبي لتقوم بتنفيذ هذا النشاط في خمسة مناطق جغ ا رفية كما هو مذكور لاحقا . حيث سيتم من خلال هذه العملية التنافسية
تدريب أكثر من 1000 من المشغلين الفرديين (سائقو الشاحنات ومشغلو الحافلات وغيرها).
يهدف البرنامج إلى تحقيق الأهداف التالية:
- بناء قد ا رت المئات من المشغليين الفرديين في قطاع النقل البري عن طريق الامتثال للمعايير الدولية المتوافق عليها في الكفاءة والسلامة.
- زيادة اي ا ردات م ا ركز التدريب والمدربين من خلال تمهيد الطريق للمصادر دخ ل جديد ة، والتي قد تصبح مستدامة في المستقبل.
- البدء ببرنامج تدريبي جديد وفريد من نوعه في محافظات عدة، ووضع معايير للب ا رمج التدريبية المستقبلية والتي ستتم تحت اش ا رف هيئة
تنظيم النقل البري.
- تاريخ الاصدار: 29 آذار 2017
- الموعد النهائي لإرسال الأسئلة: 6 نيسان 2017
- نشر وإعلان الأجوبة: 13 نيسان 2017
- الموعد النهائي لتسليم العروض: 20 نيسان 2017 - أغلق
- دعوة تقديم أسعار: تأهيل السائقين في قطاع النقل البري
- أسئلة وأجوبة (12 نيسان 2017)
- الملحق الأول/ المرفق الأول: صفحة الغلاف للعطاء
- الملحق الأول/ المرفق الثاني: العرض التقني والمالي
- الملحق الأول/ المرفق الثالث: الميزانية
- الملحق الثاني: شهادة متعلقة بتمويل الارهاب
- الملحق الثالث: نموذج السيرة الذاتية للمدرب
- الملحق الرابع: عرض تقديمي
Request for Information: Industrial Kitchen Equipment & Supplies for Project Beneficiaries
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking information on industrial kitchen equipment and tools available in the local market to be purchased for project beneficiaries as part of an upcoming grant program targeting restaurants. The equipment is listed in Annex II attached.
Deadline for information submission: 23 March 2017
Expected Award: July 2017
Expected Delivery & Installation: July 2017 - CLOSED
Please download the following attachment:
Request for Proposals: Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) Festivals
USAID LENS is soliciting proposals from Jordanian event management and/or marketing firms to support the organization of a series of MSE Festivals in the USAID LENS target Governorates noted above. The vision for these events is described in the attached RFP.
These events are part of USAID LENS commitment in supporting MSEs to grow while also working with the Municipal Local Development Units (MLDUs) to provide resources and services to MSEs in their community. USAID LENS has developed resources and tools for MSEs which aim to improve their performance and competitiveness.
Date of Issue: 1 March, 2017
Deadline for Questions: 9 March, 2017 (extended till 20 March, 2017)
Deadline for Proposals: 27 March, 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: MSE Festivals
- Modification 1 (15 March, 2017)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Budget Narrative Template
- Attachment D: Biodata Form
- Questions & Answers (22 March, 2017)
Request for Proposals: Filming and Production of Short Videos - Experience Tourism
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from media companies and/or freelancers specializing in video production, describing their ability to film and produce short 1-3 minute videos (16 short videos) of experiences around Jordan, part of USAID LENS’ work in experience tourism. This RFP is issued as a public notice to ensure all interested, qualified, and eligible companies legally registered in Jordan have a fair opportunity to submit proposals. Download the RFP below for more information.
Date of Issue: 27 February 2017
Deadline for Questions: 7 March 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 23 March 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Experience Videos
- Q&A: Experience Video (Uploaded on 9 March, 2017)
- Annex A: Evidence of Responsibility
- Annex B: Budget Template
- Annex C: Biodata Form
- Annex D: List of Experiences
- Annex E: Budget Narrative
- Annex F: PPR Template
Request for Proposals: Knowledge Management System (KMS) Portal Design and Development
Through this RFP, USAID LENS invited both not-for-profit and for-profit microfinance institutions, registered as legal entities in Jordan, providing access to financial products and services to underserved and vulnerable communities, to propose initiatives that would strengthen institutional capacity, expand outreach, expand the number and types of financial services offered, or generally increase financial inclusion in Jordan. Download the attachments below for more information.
Date of Issue: 20 February 2017
Deadline for Questions: 28 February 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 23 March 2017 (Extended till 6 April, 2017) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Modification 1 (Uploaded 22 March, 2017)
- Annex A: Budget Template
- Annex B: Budget Narrative
- Annex C: Biodata Form
- Annex D: Evidence of Responsibility & Responsible Price
- Annex E: Terms & Conditions
- Annex F: PRP Template
- Annex G: MFW Learning Academy RFP (Uploaded 22 March, 2017)
- Annex H: MFW Risk Management Department RFP (Uploaded 22 March, 2017)
- Questions & Answers (Uploaded 22 March, 2017)
Request for Proposals: Microfund for Women - Green Energy Phase 2
FHI360 is soliciting proposals from interested, qualified and eligible bidders to support Microfund for Women’s (MFW) Green Energy Initiative. This RFP is to seek offers to implement Phase II of this initiative, which will build upon an assessment done in Phase I. The selected vendor will be provided with a copy of the Assessment Report completed in Phase I. Through this RFP, FHI360 is seeking a qualified consultancy firm to provide technical assistance services to MFW to enable it to develop and design a number of services (attached below).
Date of Issue: 08 February 2017
Deadline for Questions: 16 February 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 09 March 2017 (Extended till 30 March, 2017) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
- RFP: Green Energy Phase 2
- Modification 1 (Uploaded on 9 March, 2017)
- Annex A: Budget Template
- Annex B: Budget Narrative
- Annex C: Biodata Form
- Annex D: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination Form
- Annex E: Past Perfornance Report
- Annex F: Terms & Conditions
- Questions and Answers - added 26 February 2017
Request for Proposals: Mobile Car-Washing Cart for Grantee
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking proposals from vendors able to supply a Mobile Car-Washing Cart for one of the project’s grantees as described in Annex II (attached). Qualified vendors from USAID Geographic Code 937 (US, Jordan and qualified developing countries) are eligible to apply. USAID LENS anticipates awarding one or more purchase orders to selected vendors to supply the requested items. Interested vendors can apply for all or any of the requested machines.
Date of Issue: 29 January 2017
Deadline for Questions: 31 January 2017
Deadline for Proposals: 8 February 2017 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments:
Request for Quotation: Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System for Grantee
Under grants awarded through the USAID LENS project, grantees are receiving machines, that will enable them to better serve customers, expand the clientele, and enhance productivity. Under this RFQ, One grantee will receive the requested equipment.
Date of Issue: 11 December 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 19 December 2016 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment(s):
Request for Quotation: Machinary, Equipment and Molds for Soap Shop
The USAID funded LENS Project will acquire the Machinery, Equipment’s and Molds for Soap Shop as part of an In-Kind Grant, where a Fixed-Priced contract will be issued accordingly to the winning Offeror.
Date of Issue: 11 December 2016
Due Date for Questions: 13 December 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 22 December 2016 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment(s):
Request for Quotation: Industrial Pomegranate Squeezer for Grantee
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide an Industrial Pomegranate Squeezer the grantee will use to produce pomegranate molasses, juice, and vinegar as described in Annex II attached.
Date of Issue: 13 November 2016
Due Date for Questions: 15 November 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 23 November 2016 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment(s):
- RFQ: Industrial Pomegranate Squeezer for a Grantee
- Questions & Answers (16 November 2016)
Request for Proposal: Finance Fairs for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from prospective vendors to support FHI 360’s implementation of the USAID Jordan Local Enterprise Support Project and MEDA’s implementation of A2F activities, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Award No. AID-278-LA-14-00001. This RFP is issued as a public notice to ensure that all interested, qualified, and eligible organizations based in Jordan have a fair opportunity to submit proposals.
Date of Issue: 26 October 2016
Due Date for Questions: 31 October 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 9 November 2016 (Extended till 16 November 2016) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
- Finance Fairs for Microfinance Institutions RFP
- RFP Modification 1 (9 November 2016)
- Questions & Answers (31 October 2016)
- Attachment A: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B: Budget Template
- Attachment C: Budget Narrative
- Attachment D: Biodata Form
- Attachment E: Sample Booth Photo
Request for Proposal: Shared Database for Jordan Microfinance Network (Tanmeyah)
USAID LENS, on behalf of Tanmeyah, is seeking the services of a specialized firm to design, implement, operationalize and support a new system that addresses the documented business needs and requirements, as described in this RFP. The main objectives of the system is to allow the microfinance sector in Jordan to control credit and cross lending risks, enable enhanced analytics of the sector and the identification of opportunities, as well as to produce insightful sector performance reports.
Date of Issue: 18 October 2016
Due Date for Questions: 27 October 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 16 November 2016 (Extended till 8 December) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
- Tanmeyah Shared Database RFP
- Modification 1 (10 November 2016)
- Modification 2 (17 November 2016)
- Questions & Answers (10 November 2016)
- Annex A: Budget Template
- Annex B: Budget Narrative Summary
- Annex C: Biodata Form
- Annex D: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Annex E: Past Performance Report
- Annex F: Subcontract Terms and Conditions
- Annex G: Description of New System Functionality by Component
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Semi-Automatic Filling and Capping Machine for Beneficiary
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide a Packing and Labelling Machine as described in Annex II (download attachment). The vendor is expected to provide the machines and to provide installation and user training/instructions to beneficiaries, where applicable. Warranty details shall be provided as applicable.
Date of Issue: 4 October, 2016
Deadline for Quotations: 11 October, 2016 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment and read thoroughly:
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Packing and Labelling Machine for Beneficiary
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide a Packing and Labelling Machine as described in Annex II (download attachment). The vendor is expected to provide the machines and to provide installation and user training/instructions to beneficiaries, where applicable. Warranty details shall be provided as applicable.
Date of Issue: 4 October, 2016
Deadline for Quotations: 11 October, 2016 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment and read thoroughly:
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Olive Harvesting Machines for Beneficiary
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide Olive Harvesting Machines as described in Annex II (download attachment). The vendor is expected to provide the machines and to provide installation and user training/instructions to beneficiaries, where applicable. Warranty details shall be provided as applicable.
Date of Issue: 4 October, 2016
Deadline for Quotations: 11 October, 2016 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment and read thoroughly:
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Filling & Packing Machines for Grantees
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide Filling and Packing Machines for filling ketchup (tomato sauce) and jam (marmalade) as described in Annex II below. Qualified vendors from USAID Geographic Code 937 (US, Jordan and qualified developing countries) are eligible to apply. USAID LENS anticipates awarding one or more purchase orders to selected vendors to supply the requested items.
Interested vendors can apply for all or any of the requested machines.
Date of Issue: 3 October, 2016
Deadline for Questions: 5 October, 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 11 October, 2016 - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment and read thoroughly:
- RFQ: Filling & Packing Machines for Grantees
- Questions & Answers (6 October 2016)
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Spice Production and Packaging Equipments
FHI360 on behalf of the USAID LENS project is acquiring spice production and packaging equipment as described in Annex II.
Date of Issue: 29 September 2016
Deadline for Questions: 5 October, 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 20 October, 2016 (Extended till 14 November 2016) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachment and read thoroughly:
- RFQ: Spice Production and Packaging Equipments
- Modification 1 (11 October 2016)
- Modification 2 (20 October 2016)
- Modification 3 (30 October 2016)
- Questions & Answers (12 October 2016)
Request for Proposal (RFP): Product Development for Ethmar Islamic Finance
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS project is seeking qualified firms to offer product development services for one of Jordan's microfinance institutions, Ethmar Islamic Finance.
Date of Issue: 18 September 2016
Deadline for Questions: 28 September, 2016 (Extended till 30 October 2016)
Deadline for Proposals: 23 October, 2016 (Extended till 13 November 2016) - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
- RFP: Ethmar Islamic Finance
- Modification 1 (20 October 2016)
- Questions & Answers (6 October 2016)
- Questions & Answers 2 (31 October 2016)
- Annex A: Budget Template
- Annex B: Budget Narrative Summary
- Annex C: Biodata Form
- Annex D: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Annex E: Past Performance Report
- Annex F: Subcontract Terms & Conditions
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Machinery & Equipment for Candle & Soap Shop
FHI360 on behalf of the USAID LENS project is acquiring Machinery & Equipment for Candle & Soap Shop for the Beneficiary.
Date of Issue: 21 August 2016
Deadline for Questions: 23 August 2016 to [email protected]
Deadline for Proposals: 1 September 2016 to [email protected] - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Molds for Candles & Soap
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide various shapes and size of Candle Molds as described in Annex II (download below document). Qualified vendors from USAID Geographic Code 937 (US, Jordan and qualified developing countries) are eligible to apply. USAID LENS anticipates awarding one or more purchase orders to selected vendors to supply the requested items.
Date of Issue: 21 August 2016
Deadline for Questions: 23 August 2016 to [email protected]
Deadline for Proposals: 1 September 2016 to [email protected] - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
Request for Quotation (RFQ): National Transport MSE Training Program
دعوة تقديم أسعار: البرنامج الوطني لتأهيل السائقين في قطاع النقل العام
تدعو هيئة تنظيم النقل البري بالتعاون مع مشروع مساندة الأعمال المحلية المموّل من الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية مراكز تدريب السواقة المرخّصة للمشاركة في البرنامج الوطني لتأهيل السائقين تحت إطار مشروع "دعم الشركات الصغيرة ومتناهية الصغر في قطاع النقل البري".
تهدف دعوة تقديم الأسعار هذه، الى التعاقد مع عدد من مراكز التدريب، التي شاركت سابقاً في برنامج تدريب المدربين، في خمسة مناطق جغرافية مختلفة في المملكة، حيث سيتم من تدريب أكثر من 1000 من المشغلين الفرديين (سائقي الشاحنات ومشغلي الحافلات وغيرهم)
يهدف البرنامج التدريبي إلى تحقيق الأهداف التالية:
- بناء قدرات المئات من المشغليين الفرديين في قطاع النقل البري عن طريق الامتثال للمعايير الدولية المتوافق عليها في الكفاءة والسلامة.
- زيادة ايرادات مراكز التدريب والمدربين من خلال تمهيد الطريق للمصادر دخلٍ جديدةٍ، والتي قد تصبح مستدامة في المستقبل.
- تاريخ الاصدار: 14 آب 2016
- ورشة العمل التعريفية: 21 آب 2016
- الموعد النهائي لإرسال الأسئلة: 22 آب 2016
- نشر وإعلان الأجوبة: 25 آب 2016
- الموعد النهائي لتسليم العروض: 2 تشرين الأول 2016 - أغلق
- دعوة تقديم الأسعار: النص الكامل
- دعوة تقديم الأسعار: تعديل رقم 1 (28-8-2016)
- الملحق الأول
- المرفق الأول: صفحة الغلاف للعطاء
- المرفق الثاني: العرض التقني والمالي
- المرفق الثالث: الميزانية
- الملحق الثاني – اقرار وشهادة تتعلق بتمويل الأعمال الارهابية
- الملحق الثالث – نموذج السيرة الذاتية للمدرب (المدربين)
- الملحق الرابع – عناوين مكاتب مشروع مساندة الأعمال المحلية
- الملحق الخامس - عرض تقديمي: البرنامج الوطني لتأهيل السائقين في قطاع النقل البري
Request for Proposal (RFP): Tanmeyeh Benefit Survey
In its efforts to achieve its goals, USAID LENS is actively supporting the microfinance sector in Jordan to build its capacities, enhance its competitiveness, and increase the sector’s financial inclusion of different client segments to enhance their living standards through involvement in producing economic activities.
Accordingly, USAID LENS is funding an initiative in support of Tanmeyah, Jordan’s Microfinance Network, and is seeking a firm to conduct a financial services employee benefit survey focused on the employees of the eight (8) microfinance member institutions of Tanmeyah.
Date of Issue: 25 July 2016
Deadline for Questions: 1 August 2016 to [email protected]
Deadline for Proposals: 11 August 2016 to [email protected] - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
- RFP: Tanmeyeh Benefits Survey
- Annex A: Budget Template
- Annex B: Budget Narrative
- Annex C: Biodata Form
- Annex D: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Annex E: PPR Template
- Annex F: Human Subjects Research Determination Guidance
- Annex G: Terms and Conditions
- Questions & Answers (4 August 2016)
Request for Proposal (RFP): Microfund For Women (MFW): Green Energy
USAID LENS is seeking a qualified consultancy firm to provide technical assistance services to MFW to conduct a full assessment of the capacity of Micro Finance Institution (MFI) providers, and MFW in particular, to offer products and services related to green/renewable energy, incorporating an assessment of the energy needs of our clients/targeted segment, the resources available, and potential markets and partners. The overall goal of this work is the incorporation of green renewable energy into the microfinance sector in Jordan.
Date of Issue: 24 July 2016
Deadline for Questions: 31 July 2016 to [email protected]
Deadline for Proposals: 7 August 2016 to [email protected] - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
- RFP: MFW Green Energy
- RFP: Modification #1 (4 August 2016)
- Annex A: Budget Template
- Annex B: Budget Narrative
- Annex C: Biodata Form
- Annex D: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Annex E: PPR Template
- Annex F: Terms and Conditions
- Question & Answers (4 August 2016)
Request for Proposal (RFP): Electronic Payments Service eFAWATEERcom
USAID LENS is soliciting proposals from interested, eligible and qualified bidders for the implementation and integration of an electronic payments service, eFAWATEERcom, with Ahli Microfinance Company’s (AMC) existing core system.
The main objective of this project is the implementation and the integration of eFAWATEERcom service with AMC's existing core system, Delta Informatics ADF version 1. The company’s clients (in the range of 30,000 clients) will be able to make their monthly instalments through the eFAWATEERcom network, track/view real time transactions, generate needed reports for tracing payments, generate the needed files to be shared and submitted to eFAWATEERcom system, and read and translate the files generated by the system.
Date of Issue: 30 May 2016
Deadline for Questions: 6 June 2016 to [email protected]
Deadline for Proposals: 26 June 2016 to [email protected] - CLOSED
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
- RFP: Modification #1 (15 June 2016)
- Attachment A - Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment B - Budget Template
- Attachment C - Budget Narrative Summary
- Attachment D - Biodata
- Attachment E - TC for Subcontracts
- Attachment F - Integration Interface
- Questions & Answers (15 June 2016)
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Refrigirated Van/ Truck for Grantee
FHI360 on behalf of the USAID LENS project is acquiring a Refrigerated Van/Truck for Grantee as described in sections 3 and 4 in the attachment. The project is seeking a USA-manufactured refrigerated van or truck, which would enable the beneficiary to transport dairy products, fresh vegetables and pickles inside Jordan. This does not equate to US brand; the vehicle must be manufactured, or “made” in the USA.
Date of Issue: 29 May 2016
Deadline for Questions: 1 June 2016 to [email protected]
Deadline for Proposals: 15 June 2016 to [email protected] - CLOSED
- RFQ: Refrigerated Van
- Questions & Answers (8 June, 2016)
Request for Quotation (RFQ): Industrial Kitchen Equipment and Tools
FHI 360 on behalf of the USAID LENS Project is seeking quotes from vendors able to provide kitchen equipment and tools.
Under grants awarded through the USAID LENS project, grantees are receiving a range of industrial kitchen equipment and tools, that will enable them to better serve customers, expand the clientele, and enhance productivity. Under this RFQ, 5 (five) grantees will receive the requested equipment.
In addition to the equipment and tools, vendors are required to provide installation and user training/instructions to beneficiaries, where applicable. This can be in the form of manuals provided by the manufacturer and/or onsite training, if applicable. Warranty details shall be provided as applicable.
Date of Issue: 20 April 2016
Deadline of Submission: 11 May 2016 to [email protected] - CLOSED
For more information on how to submit a bid, please download the full Request for Quotation.
Request for Proposal (RFP): MSE Clinic (MSE Business Strengthening Support)
Date of Issue: 22 May 2016
Due Date for Questions: 29 May 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 12 June 2016 - CLOSED
USAID LENS is soliciting proposals from Jordanian firms, business associations, organizations or coalitions of these entities based in Jordan, to design and deliver a technical assistance and training program to support basic MSE training in operational planning, business planning, management, and financial planning/accounting in LENS target sectors and municipalities. Offerors may also propose additional sectors for consideration where they believe there is high potential for impact for a large number of MSEs.
To apply, please download the following attachments and read thoroughly:
- RFP: MSE Clinic
- Attachment A: Budget Template
- Attachment B: Budget Narrative
- Attachment C: Biodata Form
- Attachment D: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Attachment E: Terms and Conditions
- Attachment F: PPR Template
- Questions & Answers (31 May 2016)
Request for Proposal (RFP): Technological Development for Mobile Banking Service
Date of Issue: 5 May 2016
Due Date for Questions: 15 May 2016
Deadline for Proposals: 14 June 2016 - CLOSED
Anticipated Start Date: August 2016 (subject to change)
USAID LENS is seeking a firm to provide technical assistance services for technological development for a mobile banking service for National Microfinance Bank (NMB). To apply, please download all the following attachments and read thoroughly:
- RFP: Technological Development for NMB
- RFP: Modification #1 (May 22, 2016)
- RFP: Modification #2 (June 7, 2016)
- Annex A: Technical Specifications
- Annex B: Budget Template
- Annex C: Budget Narrative
- Annex D: Biodata Form
- Annex E: Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
- Annex F: Past Performance Report
- Annex G: Subcontract Terms & Conditions
- Questions & Answers (May 22, 2016)